Author Tools

Preparing your work for publication with IEEE should be seamless. Save time and effort with authoring tools and resources that will help you write, prepare, and share your research better. 


Write collaboratively with your co-authors in Overleaf, an authoring tool for LaTeX and rich text documents. Overleaf and LaTeX resources are available online for both beginners and advanced users. Choose from a variety of quick guides, tutorials, webinars, and detailed documentation based upon your individual needs and level of expertise. Overleaf is preloaded with IEEE templates for your convenience. You can also directly find and load the template for the publication you are planning to submit to by following the easy prompts in the IEEE Template Selector


Find the right publication for your research and validate your references, PDF, and LaTeX files. Claim your unique ORCID identifier to get full credit for your work.


Share your data with other researchers through the data repository IEEE DataPort™ and the executable code platform Code Ocean.