Parameters of the program

The parameters of the program are as follows:

  • The program will run from 16 August 2023 through 15 August 2024.
  • The established conversion rate for the 2024 membership year is 83 Indian Rupee/US$1 when paying using Challan only, all other payment types subject to daily Rupee conversion rate.
  • The program will use the IEEE online processes for joining and renewing.

Your participation in this program is welcomed. Please provide feedback for how the program and processes can be improved.

Individual payment option

IEEE members/customers in India will be able to print a Challan and make payment in rupees at any bank branch anywhere in India. The transaction will be processed through Union Bank of India.

Group payment option

To fulfill this program, IEEE has a Group Challan process for student branches, schools, and any organization paying for group IEEE Memberships that will allow them to print a Challan and make payment in rupees at any bank branch anywhere in India. The transaction will be processed through Union Bank of India.

This process provides a fast turnaround time for processing of the IEEE Memberships, and will provide direct contact with IEEE Member Operations ( who are available to assist and resolve any challenge concerning membership applications and payment.