IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology

                                   Boston Chapter

...striving for the application of science and technology for the beneficial use of humanity and for high professional and ethical standards.


                 Steering Committee:

        James Ernstmeyer, Chair           ernstmeyer <at>

        Mike Brenner, Vice-chair           mikeb <at>

        Emily Anesta, Secretary             eanesta <at>

        Delia Donatelli                               Delia .Donatelli <at>

        Tracy Phillips                                  tcpbells <at>

        Edward S. Lowry                          eslowry <at>





IEEE Boston Section     

IEEE SSIT                         

IEEE SSIT Boston Chapter

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                     Usual Meeting Place:

The usual meeting place is at MIT Lincoln Laboratory, 244 Wood Street, Lexington MA. It is usually in the cafeteria. The entrance to the cafeteria is on the lower level to the left of the main entrance. From I-95 (Route 128) take Exit 30B on to Route 2A. Stay in right lane. Turn Right onto Mass. Ave. Follow Mass Ave. for ~0.4 miles. Turn left on to Wood Street and drive for one mile. Turn left at Wood Street gate. Lincoln Lab is also accessible via public transportation by taking the 62/76 bus from Alewife. Additional directions.


                     Past meetings:

24May10   Great Problems Seminars: Engaging First Year Engineering Students in Solving Global Issues --
                                                                 Kristin Wobe
22Mar10    Techno-fixes for climate change and sustainable energy - is there a catch? -- Miquel Munoz Cabre

22Feb10    Finding Green Energy: High Efficiency power Production from Fossil Fuels with
                                            Carbon Capture -- Thomas Adams
19Oct09    The Mysterious Mechanization of Meaning in the Google Brain -- Hal Roberts

21Sep09    Flying the Unfriendly Skies - Reducing Weather-Related Flight Delays -- Richard A. DeLaura

27Apr09    Software Simplicity Suffocated -- Edward S. Lowry

23Feb09     Fighting Malware @ A report from the frontlines -- Maxim Weinstein

8 Dec08     Discarded Drugs as Environmental Contaminants -- Ilene S. Ruhoy

20Oct08     Voting Outside the Booth: The Promise of New Election Methods -- Benjamin Mako Hill

22 Sep08    Functional Vision for the Blind: The Boston Retinal Implant -- Shawn K. Kelly

19May08    Trends in Clean Energy for Massachusetts – Warren Leon

28Ap08      Nanotechnol ogy’s Next Generation: Realizing the Promise— Avoiding the Perils -- Ahmed Busnaina

28Jan08     The Innovation Tax: Who Gets Sued for Patent Infringement?  -- Michael J. Meurer

5Nov07       Leveraging a Research Center of Excellence: Towards the Education of Engineering Leaders
                                                                                                Michael B. Silevitch
17Oct07     Beauty & Creativity in Science & Technology  --  Paul H. Carr

24Sep07     Innovation at the Institutional and the Personal Level: The DARPA Model and Connected Science --
                                                                                            William B. Bonvillian
15May07     Impact of Information Technology on Democratic Process  --  D. Sunshine Hillygus

20Mar07     Wheel Chair for the 21st Century  -- Tom Doyon

27Feb07     Beyond the Paper Trail: Open-Audit Elections with Cryptography  -- Ben Adida    

24Jan07      Nanotechnology and Human Flourishing -- Ronald Sandler

5Oct06        Nuclear Renaissance  -- Ian H. Hutchison

19Sep06      Student Projects in the Developing World:
                                                   Seeking Appropriate and Sustainable Solutions -- Rick Vaz
15May06      Offshore Wind Resource Dynamics: The Challenges of Tapping Renewable Power  -- 
                                                                          Stephen R. Connors
18Apr06       Adopting new Information Technology in the Workplace: Pitfalls and Solutions  -- Alan Pelz-Sharpe

22Mar06       Nanotechnology: Where is it headed? How to get there?  -- Henry I. Smith

21Feb06        Artificial Intelligence, Robots and the Problem of "Anticipatory Ethics"  -- Brian M. O'Connell

17Jan06       Social Implications of Computational Intelligence:
                                                Will We Better Understand the Mind, Art, and Religion? -- Leonid I. Perlovsky
20Dec05      Toward Simpler Software -- Your Life Depends on it.

15Nov05        The Ethical Responsibilities of a Research University -- Theodore Postol     

        Updated 25May12 by Ed Lowry