The IEEE European Public Policy Committee (EPPC) and related activities seeks to empower our European IEEE members to have influence in Europe, as appropriate for Europe. We have implemented new and exciting enhancements in 2018 that will enable European IEEE members to engage more directly. Through the efforts of various working groups and other activities, volunteers will be able to develop policies and events appropriate for Europe, and assure European officials that the advice they receive has been developed by European technologists. If you are interested in becoming involved, please complete the form below with your contact information and preferred areas of interest described below..
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Fill out my online form.

If you have any questions or would like to provide your feedback, please send them to Thank you.


Contact the IEEE European Public Policy Committee

If you have any questions and/or comments, please write to​

Massimo Pellegrino
European Public Policy Program Manager
IEEE Technology Centre GmbH
Heinestrasse 38
1020 Vienna, Austria

Useful links

IEEE European Public Policy e-newsletter

To stay updated on IEEE public policy activities and engagement opportunities in Europe, please sign up to the quarterly e-newsletter.

Organizations in which IEEE is a member

European Internet Forum

IEEE Organizational Units in Europe

IEEE Region 8 logo