Polar Oceans, IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society Technology Committee on

Polar Oceans, IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society Technology Committee on

Research and development in the Arctic and Antarctic regions is dependent on infrastructure that requires long term planning and substantial budgets. The deployment of engineering and technology solutions in the polar oceans must be adapted to the harsh conditions there. All science and development goals are subject to weather extremes and remoteness, where even the simplest of measurements need special technology support. The challenges to monitoring changes in ocean physics and biology, sea ice and ice shelf dynamics need to be met so that we can understand and predict the future of the Earth system. Commercial operations such as transportation and mineral extraction industries need R & D support to manage the technical and operational challenges. In the Arctic Ocean receding sea ice is opening previously inaccessible sea lanes, which is providing increased commercial opportunities. The Antarctic region is governed by an international treaty that encourages research and focuses on environmental solutions for the physical systems of ice and water as well as for the unique ecology. The Polar Oceans TC supports the work addressing these challenges through relevant streams in conferences and the hosting of workshops and symposia.

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