Your Professional Home


Your Professional Home

Students/Young Professionals

Beginning and starting a career requires so much more than searching for and landing that first job. It’s about tapping into the right network, cultivating a close-knit circle of peers, learning new skills, and finding mentors that will help guide your development. IEEE is a community built to help you expand these resources as you progress in your career.

During your professional journey, engaging with IEEE will enable you to build upon your technical knowledge, have access to the best and brightest in the technology community, and develop soft skills such as presenting in front of an audience and serving in a leadership role. By engaging with IEEE, you will have the opportunity to gain exposure and recognition for your work that can help further advance your career. Individuals and organizations can also help shape the development of global IEEE standards to drive innovation, competitiveness, sustainability, and consumer protection.

Watch this video to learn how IEEE can be your professional home.


Explore Your Journey as a Student or Young Professional

IEEE can be there for you during your individual professional journey. Explore your career path and resources below.

Explore the Students/Young Professionals Resources

IEEE can be there for you during your individual journey. Learn more about IEEE membership.

Explore Other Professional Home Journeys