Find postal values for IEEE Publications. The information on this page is for reference only. Please pay the amount shown on your invoice.

Postal value reference for society publications

Postal Publication prices already included in member dues. Please pay amount shown on the invoice.

Costs of all publications are included in Society fees or dues. Subscriptions to IEEE Spectrum and The Institute (US$21.40/yr; $14.25/yr for students), and the U.S. and Canadian student subscriptions to IEEE Potentials (US$5.00) are included in IEEE membership dues. Refer to for pricing of additional Society memberships and publications. 

Below is a breakdown of IEEE Society publications included in Society fees or dues. IEEE publication values are subject to change.

Reminder: The IEEE publications you receive are for your personal use only.

Postal publication prices

AES - Aerospace & Electronic Systems Magazine $16.00 IA - Industrial Applications Magazine $13.00
AP - Antennas & Propagation Magazine $10.00 IE - Industrial Electronics Magazine $6.00
CAS - Circuits and Systems Magazine $5.00 IT - BITS Information Theory Magazine

COM - Communications Magazine

$25.00 MTT - Microwave Magazine

CS - Control Systems Magazine

$16.00 OE - OES Beacon $1.00
DEI - Electrical Insulation Magazine

$17.00 PE - Power & Energy Magazine $3.00
EMB – IEEE Pulse Magazine

$8.00 PE - PEL Power Electronics Magazine $16.00
ED - ED Society Newsletter

$1.00 SP - Signal Processing Magazine $11.00
ED - IEEE Electronc Devices Magazine

$7.00 SSC - Solid-State Circuits Magazine $14.00
EMC - EMS Magazine $20.00 VT - Vehicular Technology Magazine  $12.00
GRS - Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine $3.00    
Non-receipt of periodicals that are properly addressed and delivered to the U.S. Postal Service ("USPS") for addresses in the U.S. or Canada, or a USPS postal qualified wholesaler for addresses in other countries, is without further responsibility for or risk to, and no refunds will be payable by, IEEE. See Delivery Policy in the membership catalog or online.
IEEE member dues, assessments, Society dues, and subscriptions to IEEE publications may be tax deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses for U.S. members (subject to IRS guidelines). No portion of member dues are allocable to non-deductible lobbying expenditures. You may wish to consult a tax advisor. All values are listed in US dollars.
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