IEEE Transactions on Privacy

The IEEE Transactions on Privacy provides a multidisciplinary forum for theoretical, methodological, engineering, and applications aspects of privacy and data protection, including specification, design, implementation, testing, and validation. Privacy, in this context, is defined as the freedom from unauthorized intrusion in its broadest sense, arising from any activity in information collection, information processing, information dissemination or invasion. The transactions publishes articles reporting significant advances in theoretical models and formalization as well as engineering tools supporting the above activities, design frameworks and languages, architectures, infrastructures, model-based approaches, study cases, and standards. The transactions serves as the archival venue for submissions from multiple disciplines studying the various aspects of privacy (e.g., statistics, cryptography, distributed systems, databases, data analytics, human-computer interaction, socio-behavioral science, etc.). Contributions to solving privacy problems in various application domains such as healthcare are also accepted. Purely theoretical papers with no potential application or purely developmental work without any methodological contribution or generalizability would not be in scope.

Product No: PER369

IEEE Transactions on Privacy
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