2024 IEEE Xplore Subscription Options for Organizations

Expand the products below to reveal their features. Hover over the product name to reveal its description. Generate a custom PDF for the specific products you want to compare with the menu below.


Access model
IEEE journal titles
IEEE conference titles
Active & selected archival IEEE standards
Partner content
Full-text documents
Unlimited full-text access and downloads
Access to all IEEE-sponsored annual conference titles
Approx. 5,000
IET conferences and complimentary access to VDE and Bell Labs Technical Journal
Backfile to late 1800s for select titles
Nearly 6 million
Contact IEEE for a custom quote
*IEL is the only online option to include unlimited access to IET and VDE conference content, and the only non-standards option to include active and archival IEEE standards. Drafts available separately.
IEEE All-Society Periodicals Package (ASPP)
IEEE Proceedings Order Plan (POP)
IEEE Proceedings Order Plan All (POP ALL)
IEEE Journals Library Plus
IEEE Conference Library Plus
IEEE Communications Library
IEEE Enterprise
IEEE Power & Energy Library


Access model
IEEE journal titles
IEEE conference titles
Active & selected archival IEEE standards
Partner content
Full-text documents
IEEE Journals Archive
IEEE Conference Proceedings Archive

IEEE Standards

Access model
Active & selected archival IEEE standards
Full-text documents
IEEE All-Inclusive Standards Online
IEEE Standards Select
2023 National Electrical Safety Code® (NESC®)

eBooks & eLearning

# of titles
Full-text documents/ chapters
Artech House eBooks Library
IEEE-Wiley eBooks Library
Manning eBooks Library
MIT Press eBooks Library—Computing & Engineering Collection
Now Publishers Foundations and Trends® Technology eBooks Library
Packt eBooks Library
Princeton University Press eBooks Library
River Publishers eBooks Library
SAE eBooks Library
Wiley Data and Cybersecurity eBooks Library
Wiley Telecommunications eBooks Library
IEEE eLearning Library
IEEE English for Technical Professionals™

Content Partners
in IEEE Xplore

Access Model
Full-text documents
MIT Press Journals—Computing & Engineering Collection
IBM Journal of Research and Development Archive
Bell Labs Technical Journal Archive