Enjoy all the same great technology coverage that you expect from IEEE Spectrum, from aerospace and biomedical advances to green tech and robotics breakthroughs, now in a Chinese-language print edition.

The Chinese-language print edition of IEEE Spectrum offers:

  • Timely delivery of the current edition of IEEE Spectrum, with no delays
  • Accurate English-to-simplified Chinese translation, meeting the highest standards
  • Additional local content written by authors in China


This edition of IEEE Spectrum is only available to members whose primary address is mainland China (excluding Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan) and who have selected to receive IEEE Spectrum print edition when joining or renewing their membership.

IEEE members must hold a grade of Associate Member, Member, Senior Member, Fellow, Life Member, Life Senior, Life Fellow or Honorary Member. 

IEEE members must voluntarily opt in to receive the Chinese-language edition of IEEE Spectrum (see "Sign up" below for instructions).

Members can choose to receive the English or Chinese-language edition with no additional cost to their IEEE membership. To receive both editions, members should not opt in for the Chinese edition in their profile but purchase it from the Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (ISTIC) at the reduced rate of 50% off the cover price. To purchase, please contact:

Ms Yang Xiujuan
Telephone: 010-58882261
Fax: 010-58882432
Email: reader@csta.org.cn

Sign up

To opt in to the Chinese version, members must:

  1. Sign in to IEEE Account. Username and password are required to sign in.
  2. Select the "Membership Information" option.
  3. Click on the "Membership and Subscription Information" link.
  4. Select "Switch to Chinese" option under the "IEEE Spectrum magazine (print)" title and save changes.




For additional assistance regarding the Chinese-language edition of IEEE Spectrum, you can reach the IEEE Support Center where you can submit a question or conduct a live chat with a service professional, 24 hours a day, five days a week, from Sunday at 4:30 p.m. through Friday at 4:30 p.m. ET.