The required submission serves as registration/update for a functional alias. A functional alias is defined as a non-personal IEEE email alias that forwards to an individual. Usual candidates for functional aliases are Regions, Sections, Chapters, and Student Branches or their activities. For example, would forward messages to or, an MIT Student Branch alias that forwards to the Student Branch counselor.

Please follow the standard formatting of adding Region, Section, or Chapter information as part of the email address, as well as the purpose, to define the use. For example: "Region 9 Student Robotic" as  Student Branch standard format is or for a Student Branch Chapter. Include the school name, abbreviated as necessary, and the society code for chapters. (There is a 15-character limit.)
Please note that all "new' alias requests can only contain a dash "-" within the naming format.  Submitted with any other character will cause the request to be rejected.

Please allow one week for processing. For any questions or assistance, please contact